Playing the Middle Ages | Bloomsbury, University of Winchester
Dissertation on T.S. Eliot - Chapter III of III
Dissertation on T.S. Eliot - Chapter II of III
Dissertation on T.S. Eliot - Chapter I of III
Witcher 2 in a Postmodern Context: Examining Ergodic Extremes of Cybertexts
On Shivaji, Powadas and the Construction of the Medieval Maratha Hero
Gamers, Gods and the Existential Struggle of NPCs in OP Lands - Part II
Gamers, Gods and the Existential Struggle of NPCs in OP Lands - Part I
The Art of the Smart Rant - Part II of II
The Art of the Smart Rant - Part I of II
On the Realism of Midnight's Children in Occidental and Oriental Spaces
English Romantics, Hegel and their Paths to Political Transcendence - Part II of II
English Romantics, Hegel and their Paths to Political Transcendence - Part I of II
The Necessity of Apoliticism - Part III of III
The Necessity of Apoliticism - Part II of III
The Necessity of Apoliticism - Part I of III
Trust: Centre of Transcendental Politics
Shakespeare and the Theatre Scene Today | Excerpt
Is Skepticism Healthy in Religious Dialogue? Part II of II
Is Skepticism Healthy in Religious Dialogue? Part I of II
Morality and Flood Narratives in Indian Mythology | Excerpt