To clarify: Daenerys Targaryen plans to attack the Iron Gate at the east with all her 40,000 Dothraki. She plans to leave 5,000 Unsullied waiting at the Rosby Road, while the remaining 3,000 Unsullied are tented nearby, guarding Varys, Missandei and others. Ellaria Sand, ally to Daenerys, plans to attack the River [or ‘Mud’] Gate at the south with 10,000 Dornishmen. Cersei Lannister plans to defend the city with 45,000 Lannisters at the Iron Gate, 15,000 Windblown at the Mud Gate and 5,000 Arryns inside the Red Keep.
The last time war plagued this land, she had dearly hoped Lord Stannis would have broken through the ranks, beheading every Lannister once he sat the Iron Throne, especially that cunt Joffrey. That day, it was Mace Tyrell and Tywin Lannister that prevented the inevitable. Today, as Sansa Stark saw the horde of Dothraki charge from the Rosby Road, with the shadow of a dragon blanketing them, she grinned with malice.
“Cersei has five-thousand Arryns inside the Red Keep and fifteen-thousand Windblown guarding the Mud Gate, waiting for the Sand Snakes,” Sansa said. “Littlefinger told me the Lannisters have forty-five thousand men to defend the Rosby Road,” she observed, as she saw the men on walls and streets guarding the Iron Gate. “How silly is it, that Cersei Lannister chooses to put her best men underneath the breath of a dragon?”
Brienne was silent, so Sansa went on. “Have arrangements been made?”
“They have,” she said briefly. There was a pause, after which she said, “I must repeat that what you have planned for is very unlikely, not to mention rash. I urge you to reconsider. I do not think it will work.”
“It has to,” Sansa was certain. “Targaryens are now allied with us, Martells, Greyjoys and Tullys,” she told her, while staring out the window, waiting for the two opposing forces to clash. “The Mad Queen’s reign is over. Whichever way the war plays out, today is the day House Lannister falls. When it does, I will be in control of what comes next.”