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Writer's pictureNeil Nagwekar

RECAP: How Game of Thrones S06E10 Ended

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If you do not recall how Game of Thrones Season 6 Episode 10 ended, here are some reference pointers to help you remember where the characters were.

Spoiler alert for those who have not finished the first six seasons of Game of Thrones!


Summary [via Wikipedia]:

King’s Landing: On the day of Cersei Lannister’s and Loras Tyrell’s trials, Qyburn summons Grand Maester Pycelle to his laboratory, where his child spies stab Pycelle to death. Wildfire underneath the Sept of Baelor ignites to destroy the Great Sept. King Tommen Baratheon witnesses the explosion and commits suicide. Jaime Lannister and Bronn return from the Riverlands to witness Cersei being crowned Queen of the Seven Kingdoms.

Oldtown: Samwell Tarly and Gilly arrive at Oldtown to witness the Citadel releasing countless white ravens to announce the arrival of winter. Sam is granted access to the library.

Winterfell: Ser Davos Seaworth confronts Melisandre about Shireen’s death. Jon exiles Melisandre from the North and threatens to execute her if she ever returns. Petyr Baelish reveals that his ultimate goal is to sit on the Iron Throne with Sansa at his side. Sansa rejects his offer. The Northern lords, Knights of the Vale, and Free Folk declare Jon the new King in the North.

Dorne: A grieving Olenna Tyrell meets with Ellaria Sand and the Sand Snakes concerning the possibility of an alliance against Cersei. To Olenna’s surprise, Ellaria presents Varys, who offers Olenna vengeance by allying with Daenerys Targaryen.

The Twins: Walder Frey celebrates the recapture of Riverrun with the Lannisters. Later, when Walder eats dinner alone, his servant reveals that she baked his sons into the meat pie he has been eating. She removes her face to reveal she is actually Arya Stark, who then slits Walder’s throat.

Beyond the Wall: Bran Stark, Meera Reed, and Benjen Stark arrive near the Wall. Benjen takes his leave, stating that the Wall’s magic prevents the dead from being able to pass. Meera assists Bran to a weirwood tree and he re-enters the vision of Ned Stark at the Tower of Joy. Ned finds his sister Lyanna, with her dying breath, pleading with Ned to take care of her son, revealed to be Jon Snow.

Meereen: Daenerys Targaryen informs Daario Naharis that he will not accompany her to Westeros. She proclaims Tyrion Lannister the Hand of the Queen, and the two of them, along with their extensive forces from Essos and their new alliances of the ironborn, Dorne, and Highgarden, depart for Westeros in a massive armada.


Arya Stark: At the Twins Last scene: Killing Walder Frey

Bran Stark: Beyond the Wall Last scene: Learning Jon Snow is the son of Lyanna Stark

Cersei Lannister: At King’s Landing Last scene: Crowned Queen of Seven Kingdoms by Qyburn as Jaime Lannister watches on

Daenerys Targaryen: At the Narrow Sea Last scene: Sailing for Westeros with Theon Greyjoy, Tyrion Lannister, Varys and Yara Greyjoy

Euron Greyjoy: (S06E05) At Pyke Last scene: Crowned Lord of the Iron Islands

Jon Snow: At Winterfell Last scene: Crowned King in the North with Sansa Stark sitting besides

Jorah Mormont: (S06E05) At Vaes Dothrak Last scene: Ordered by Daenerys to find a cure for his greyscale

Petyr Baelish: At Winterfell Last scene: Declares for House Stark

Samwell Tarly: At Oldtown Last scene: Among the libraries of the Citadel

Sandor Clegane: (S06E08) At the Riverlands Last scene: Trying to be convinced by Beric Dondarrion and Thoros to travel north


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