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TINTA Poems #5

21. Someday I Expect

Someday I shall die.

Someday my shell shall reunite

With my tired mind in decay.

That day I expect my wife to weep.

I expect sis to laminate my lines

Leave them in my casket

To eternal sleep.

I expect besties, friends and adjuncts

To family to speak like sages

Humbled by my finality

Then break from reveries

Through meet-and-greet with

Kith and job prospects.

I expect chatter over my cold body

Perhaps a punchline or two

And, by its end, my lifelong company

To bury me in a hole in a ground

Be merry and live life just fine.

I also expect worms to enjoy.

22. Fever Heat

Down in lands level and low

Melted laptops and phones fry like fried eggs

On red rubbles of soil and stone

Once called sidewalks. There rest bones

Of walkers rattling in rowdy winds—

Moving at last on footpaths, not paved roads besides!—

Where brown cars broken in

Are home to hornets and hot nests.

Vultures scuffle to scavenge, while

Rats share and vomit over green paper.

23. Economics of Poetry

Aha! I see you have made that deranged decision

Borne from hay-headed ambition

To profit from your sour air,

Treat your shrink like toilet paper

And wager your wares as poet!

Join the club!

Find like-minded merry hypocrites

Throttling each unit of feeling

Till euthanized in empty verse!

Befriend mates better or worse

At alluding to Shakespeare’s earring

For nothing really

Spare saving crap lines

From butchery and jibes!

And, God save you,

Should real sentiment arise

And threat splitting through your skull,

Bleed it dry by writing it out

In as many limericks, sonnets or couplets

As you can count!

No man, woman or poet claims

To read cantos of mumbo-jumbo

Unless they lie.

Spread your thoughts to spread your wings

You never know when

That well of fans will dry!

24. Why Try?

Let us be brutal, incisive and vicious beings

As our predecessors—

Who rampaged from land to land

Without remorse, breeding biases

Like bastards and runts

Because they knew they liked to.

Why temper our temper? Why expend energy

On fairness, feed a famished polity

Congratulate the participants

Conscript yourself to the same wife

Deal with anxiety in polite life?

Why not nuke it all

Since it seems we are racing there

After all?

25. [Untitled]

Cherry-top Eric, waste to good parents

Laments life like misplaced pencils.


P.S. I hid behind the moniker of TINTA since the account was opened on Instagram. Truth be told, this has always been my natural impulse. If I had my way, none of my works would be attributed to me. I write a lot of miserable stuff, which I don’t want attributed to my character. I am proud of my writing, but it is also comfortably the worst of me—where my most cynical, nihilist and antisocial tendencies come to fruit.

For a while, I hoped I could hide behind TINTA forever. Perhaps anonymity is cowardice, but it has always been my impulse. But people tell me there’s nothing sustainable about the moniker strategy—that I must put my name, centralize my content, ensure I take credit for everything in a brutal industry, blah blah blah.

So, briefly, let me introduce myself: I am Neil Nagwekar from Mumbai, India.

I don’t plan on abandoning the moniker TINTA though. Because there is a story behind TINTA, and I think it will take quite some time for it to be completed.


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