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Which strikers can we sign?

We need a striker. Regardless of the dwindling options, we need a striker.Diego Costa seems to have wrapped up his move to Chelsea. Dmric, although I don’t believe he would have strengthened our squad significantly, had gone to Bayern Leverkusen. Many Arsenal supporters believe that the chance of signing a world-class forward is gone, and that we should content ourselves with a Remy or a Vela.

I disagree. Yes, I am open to a Vela switch to Arsenal, which really seems to be on the cards. The guy has 15 goals and 11 assists in La Liga while playing on the right flank, that has to mean something. Should Wenger activate his £3.3m clause and bring him to he Emirates, I’d be happy. At that price, he’s a steal.

However, I disagree with the notion that Arsenal are forced to content themselves with a buy like Vela. As much I like Vela, I strongly doubt he’s our only answer to our striking woes. Should Podolski depart he’d be a clever, economical replacement, but in the striker area, I don’t think he’s a significant upgrade over Giroud.

Who could Arsenal buy this summer? Cavani is an idea. The guy is openly frustrated at PSG and has hinted a switch to a Premier League side is an option. He’s quick, he’s powerful, could be available around the £30m mark, and is 27, so has at most 4 years to offer us. I didn’t see much of him except in the Champions League, and I must admit, he didn’t look good then. But come on, do you really think a pacy striker with the midfielders behind him won’t make it big at Arsenal? I’m sure he will.

I’ve heard many say we could go for Benzema. Sorry, I don’t think we’ll be seeing any of him at Arsenal. Unless Real Madrid try to fund a big-money move for Suarez (which I don’t see happening), Benzema won’t want to come to Arsenal. I’m confident he’ll be a superb move, but one I don’t see materializing.

Aside from not having much temptation to jump ship from Real to Arsenal, I think he’s arrival will have an adverse effect on Giroud as well. I’ve said many times that Giroud could be an excellent backup option, but demoralizing him by picking another French striker ahead of him could result in his departure. It’s kind of the same reason Fabianski is leaving the club.

My first preference, however, remains Mario Balotelli. I, personally think Balotelli is a good idea because he has power and pace, two attributes essential to make it big in the EPL. He also has EPL experience, so adaptation shouldn’t be that much of a problem. Also, he’d be dying to get out of a sinking Milan and might come on the cheap. Yeah, his attitude might be a problem, but frankly, we have too many nice guys out there (bar Flamini, of course). Balotelli might hand us a ‘gangstar feel’ on the pitch, one missing since the days of Vieira. For me, it’s a no-brainer. I say GO FOR IT, no excuses.

Catch you guys later.

P.S. Don’t remain in the hope that Wenger will leave this season. FA Cup or not, the guy’s staying for two more years. I don’t have proof to support it, but noises around the Arsenal camp all point towards one direction.

-Santi [Follow me on Twitter @ArsenalBlogz ]


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